Monday, February 12, 2018

Due Tuesday, February 13th - "Persuasion" Q3 Essay

Tomorrow in class you will compose a Q3 essay on Jane Austen's Persuasion.  You may use your computer and post it to  You may NOT use your books.  You will have 40 minutes to complete the essay.  Prepare carefully.  Review the text, and create a helpful study guide to look over in school before we begin.

During the second half of class, we will explore the work of Oscar Wilde.  You will begin reading The Importance of Being Earnest Acts I & II for a class seminar next week.  We will also view the film and read the ending together.

Also, keep working on your scripts.  Use what you are learning about satire and humor from Austen's Love & Friendship and Wilde's Earnest as a guide in your craft.

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