Thursday, October 26, 2017

Due Friday, October 27th - Setting

Please read "Setting" in the Norton Anthology (pages 157-159).  Please apply your knowledge of setting to both the film The Namesake, "A Choice of Accommodations," and "Hell-Heaven" from Unaccustomed Earth.

Please bring your journals to class, as we will discuss our Relationships, Rituals, and Restrictions as it pertains to the literature and us.

Where I am Local

Hello.  My name is Eric Pellerin.  I am a human being, like everyone else here.  I am a citizen of the world.  I am a local of Reading, Andover, and Groveland, Massachusetts as well as Paris, Southern Italy and Romania.  Nice to meet you!  Where are you local?

My Three Rs


Luiza and Aidan:  the central focus of my life is my wife and son.  They come first – always.  I know that “I” should come first, and then I would be able to better serve them, but I find it difficult to always make this balance.  Self and family.

My parents, brother, and sister.  This is the group that means the most to me, especially my brother David.  My therapist noticed that I often exchange my brother’s name for Aidan.  David was eight years younger than I was, and there are times when I see the relationship as similar.  David and Aidan do all the talking, and I get to, merely, be around their presences.  Luiza is also the same.  I do not feel comfortable taking the lead.  In relationships I am most happy to follow.

Luiza’s family.  This is an obligation to make Luiza and Aidan happy.  The whole concept of Romania has become just as much a local for me, now that I have been welcomed into the family.

Friends. I have friends at work – and friends through Aidan’s friends.  Dan, Josh, and Jason.  I feel very close to my friend Jeff who lives in New York.  I do not see him often enough. 


I am obsessive when it comes to cleanliness.  I am the primary housekeeper of our house.  I do most of the cleaning and all the cooking. 

Personal & physical reflection. I am constantly working on myself, whether it be thoughts, feelings, and relationships – or physical aspects of self like food, exercise, and clothing. 

Perfection. It is what I strive for.  It gives me life, and is slowly killing me.

Reading.  Always reading.  I usually have 3-5 books going at a time.

Prayer and meditation.  I read a page from Book of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramananda every morning.

Music.  I listen to music everyday of my life.  I still have an Ipod because I need to have 15,000 songs at my disposal at all times, in the mixes that I arrange.

I love all things French.  If I could live anywhere is the world (that I know of) it would be Paris.  I also love the Almafi coast in Italy, and felt at home there.  The people look like me.  My family’s origin is Naples, Italy and Paris, France.


I am a white, American, male.  44 years-old.  I have few (or no) restrictions.  The only person controlling me, is me.