Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Term 2 - Next Unit Breakdown

Where or When are We?


1.  Class discussion: Where or When are We? We will continue with the literary element of “setting.”
We will bridge into this section by studying the essential questions shared through Paul Gauguin’s painting, “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?” View it on Epson projector. 

2.  Global Citizenship

3.  TED Talk: “How Books Can Open Your Mind” by Lisa Bu.

4.  Introduction to scientific philosophy with Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman. The novella is broken up into a series of vignettes where a fictional Einstein imagines different ways of viewing time, and students will read and engage with the various ways of “When are we?”

Homework: Read Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman, Part I and respond on the blog (It will be posted tonight).

Next Unit: Major Works and Topics

Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman,
A Doll House & Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen
“Narrative,” Institutional, Discourse, and Affinity. 
Global Citizenship 
Research productions of Ibsen and class seminar sharing results.