Sunday, October 15, 2017

Due Monday, October 16th - Who Am I?

Part I:  Freewriting

In your journal:  Either in a series of bullet points or freewriting explore the following as they pertain to you:

“Nature” – Ethnicity, Race, Gender, Sexuality, Personality
Institutional – Nationality, Religion, Profession
Discourse – Environmentalist, Feminist, Libertarian, Marxist, Vegan
Affinity – Scouts, Teenager, Goth,

Part II:  Journal Reflection

In your journal:  Once you have compiled a comprehensive list, write about the experiences you have had with each.  Do not hold back.  Some will offer more passionate responses than others will.  Some may upset you.  Some may even surprise you. 

This will be part of an on-going exploration as we examine the narrative that is our lives.  We are all protagonists, characters narrating our existences through our first person point of view.  Remember, there is a third person narrator - dual narrative if you will - telling the story of us.  Let your voice be the true war story.

Part III:  Blog Discussion

In this blog space:  Post ONE section that you feel comfortable sharing with the class in a blog response.  Read your classmates’ responses, and please respond directly to one student response.