Thursday, January 18, 2018

Due Friday, January 26th 10 - 11:30 am - EXAM

Introduction/Thesis Statement Templates

Prose/Open Response Example #1: 

                  (Insert author’s name) presents readers with _________________________ as a means of __________________________.  Through the use of __________________________, ____________________________, and _________________________ he/she demonstrates the necessity for human beings to ________________________.  However, this becomes more complicated because___________________________.  Therefore, (Insert author’s name) uses ________________________ to make his/her point that in order to ____________________ one must ___________________________.

Prose/Open Response Example #2: 

                  In the art of fiction, an author may choose to utilize (insert literary device) as a means of ________________________________.  (Insert author’s name) takes this device to another level in _____________________________ by revealing  _____________________________ through the use of _________________________.  Through the course of the novel/play, ____________________________________.  However, by the end of the work ___________________ ________________. Therefore, (insert author’s name) utilizes (insert literary device) to make the point _________________________________________________.

Prose/Open Response Example #3: 

                  Often novelists/playwrights _________________________________.  However, (insert author’s name) chooses to ______________________________________ in his her novel/play ____________________________ in order to reveal _________________________________________ about (insert theme).  While on the surface it may appear _________________________, by the end of the work, (insert author’s name) proves __________________
______________________________.  Therefore, ______________________________________________________________________.

Tips for Tackling Literature Multiple-Choice Questions

Step One: Notice the title if there is one. Does it tell you anything initially about the topic of the work? Date?  Do you recognize the author?  Do you recognize a contemporary of the author or his/her work?  Take notes in the margin - basically, write a note to yourself regarding the significance of the title, or you can underline or highlight important words in the title.

Step Two: Read the text, CLOSELY!!!! What's the point of reading closely? There's a very important purpose. You need to engage with the text in order to gain a basic comprehension. What does this mean? Well, basically, you pay attention to the material while you read it, you retain the information as you read, and you reach a basic understanding of the material by the end.  Underline key words as you go (words that aid in the overall understanding of a piece). Take notes in the margin that may help with comprehension. 

Step Three: Can you summarize the piece? If so, it's best to write a phrase at the bottom that summarizes the piece. Is it not completely clear what the piece is about (for instance, a poem that might seem fragmented)? Look back again for pronouns that may help set a context, key words that may help in recreating a situation or a story, and any words that indicate speaker purpose or emotion. This can be tough, and it may not always be clear initially. Write down anything that helps.

Step Four: What type of piece is in front of you? Prose or poetry? Write it down. If any context is given to you in the title, take note.

This may seem like a lot of work, but it's worth it. And really, once you get the hang of it, it will become second nature. Remember, the idea here is to engage (to read and interpret information) with the text and to gain an overall understanding of the piece before you read (and potentially become distracted by) the questions themselves.

Step Five:  The questions.  1)  Read the question and write an answer down BEFORE you look at the answers.  2)  

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